EOY Deadlines Checklist
December 15, 2020

January 6, 2021America has seemingly never had such a challenging year, be it due to politics, race relations, or a global pandemic.
I like to remind myself that the United States of America is a work in progress, with a relatively recent “born on” date, that requires continual discovery and self-examination, which in turn means ongoing challenges.
But challenges and improvement are intertwined; only by encountering and working through challenges do you better yourself; the same holds true for your country.
A good way to overcome challenges in America is to simply see each other as American. Our differences, be it black or white, or red or blue, make us a wonderfully diverse nation; but we cannot allow these differences to overcome the fact that we have more in common than not.
To signify strength and duration, the One Dollar bill contains a pyramid, but one that is unfinished as the founding fathers knew this democracy would always be a work in progress. Just as life is a journey and not a destination, America is on an endless path of improvement that seeks to make life better for everyone, not just those that agree with you.
I’m sorry for being so preachy, but seriously… Haven’t we had enough hate? Isn’t it time for more love and understanding to counter all the fear and adversity?
And please don’t mistake my advocation of understanding for weakness, since strength and bravery are only ever found in the face of fear and adversity, and the United States of America is the land of the free and home of the brave.
It is our challenges whereby we show the world that although we may be imperfect, this is still the best country in the world.
We will always seek to improve, and we will overcome our challenges; it is who we are and what we do, because we are all Americans!
Have a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and God Bless The United States of America!Tim & Wynne Curran
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